About This Blog

I am a member of The Church of Jesus Christ Of Latter-day Saints. And on this blog, I share some of the things I believe in with you (in case you're interested) in addition to the church talks I gave in the past.

A word of warning: I DO NOT like to sugarcoat my thoughts and experiences. I express my thoughts in a direct and honest manner. And sometimes, the truth is hard and hurtful to hear. If you're offended by anything I say regarding my experiences in the Church, then I suggest you not read this blog. I am in no way trying to denounce anything regarding the Church but to promote the good of it. I am also attempting to show that Mormons (as we are generally called) are not weird people but normal people going about doing good in our communities.

Friday, December 14, 2012

Our Hearts May Be Full Of Holes, But Our Resolve Will Stand Out Strong

"For those who eschew evil and live good lives, who strive for a brighter day and keep the commandments of God, things can get better and better even in the face of tragedy." -Keith B. McMullin

Credit and copyright of this work goes to my good friend Kyoo Park.
Used with his permission.

"Wounds in the hearts of people who lost their loved ones..."
"No one can fix those..."
"The feeling of something's missing..."
"It's too late to fill up the holes."

-Kyoo Park

I am no stranger to tragedy and neither is my friend Kyoo Park, who eloquently expressed his feelings in the drawing (above) he skillfully created after news spread today regarding the violence that took place in Newtown, Connecticut. What adds fuel to the fires of tragedy is the occurrence of it during the holiday season, which should be a happy time. Even worse, the victims were mostly elementary school children. But for the families of the victims, the holidays this year has become difficult one. And for these families, the holidays in the years to come will be packaged with difficult reminders in carrying on without loved ones whose lives were extinguished on this day...

From The Bible, a passage brings some comfort in the form of a loving Heavenly Father:

"And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain: for the former things are passed away." (Revelation 21:4)

My friends and those who may read this, our hearts may be full of holes, but our resolve will stand out strong. I know God loves each and every one of us and He wants what's best for us. It is my prayer that as human beings, we strive and continually be our best selves. I pray that the Spirit of our Father in Heaven will be with these families in their time of need and bringing comfort and peace to all who have been affected by this tragedy.

I dedicate this blog entry to the young victims and their families.