Yesterday afternoon, while staying with my aunt in the Salt Lake-area, I drove down to Provo to visit my sister, who's going to school there, as well as to attend a mission reunion with my first mission president (the Travellers) later that evening. After spending quality time catching up with my sister, she graciously accompanied me to the mission reunion (and photo creds go to her!). I only had about a transfer and half with President and Sister Traveller before the changing of the guard happened so I haven't seen them in four years and I've been home from my mission for two of those years; having a car this year while attending school of course, afforded me the opportunity to go; so needless to say, I'm grateful I got to be there this time.
Me with the Travellers |
I got see two of my former companions from the mission field, a few other fellow return-missionaries I got to see and work with numerous times, and even one of my MTC teachers:
Me with some of my "mission homies" |
And like the scripture reference I included above, this reunion to me was a joyful occasion because the people I knew there, the people I had the privilege of working with during the course of my mission "were still my brethren (and sisters) in the Lord." As we took the time to catch up with each others' lives, reflect, and enjoy each others' company, I had affirmation in my heart that serving a mission was the right thing to do. Had I not, I would not have met such wonderful people over the course of two years of missionary service. Without a doubt, the people I shared this night with (along with everyone else I worked and interacted with throughout my mission) has touched my life not just for good, but for the better.
All brethren and sisters of the Lord |
I'd say we are one happy Nagoya family!