About This Blog

I am a member of The Church of Jesus Christ Of Latter-day Saints. And on this blog, I share some of the things I believe in with you (in case you're interested) in addition to the church talks I gave in the past.

A word of warning: I DO NOT like to sugarcoat my thoughts and experiences. I express my thoughts in a direct and honest manner. And sometimes, the truth is hard and hurtful to hear. If you're offended by anything I say regarding my experiences in the Church, then I suggest you not read this blog. I am in no way trying to denounce anything regarding the Church but to promote the good of it. I am also attempting to show that Mormons (as we are generally called) are not weird people but normal people going about doing good in our communities.

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

"As Zion's Youth In Latter Days"

It was the second day of classes (Tuesday) for my first semester at Brigham Young University Idaho. Lingering in the back of my mind were thoughts cultivated from fear wondering, "Can I do this?" or "What have I gotten myself into?!" I don't mind admitting I was feeling a little scared and intimidated, not to mention the on-and-off feelings of homesickness... Of course, my mind was buzzing and preoccupied  in struggling to keep my schedule neat and prioritized. Between study time, class, and personal things my schedule seemed like it was on the verge of falling apart... Then it was time for the weekly devotional, which happens to fall on Tuesday on a weekly basis...

At first I was skeptical about going because I had a class I needed to go to AND find since it was the first day for my second batch of classes. In the end, I went. Obviously, the setting was a rather large auditorium with superb acoustics. I sat where I could make a swift exit and a straight shot for class right afterwards. I tried to listen to what was being said but I could barely remember. But what I do remember was the special musical number as well as the closing hymn. Music has always spoken to me in ways I could never fully explain. At closing, we as a congregation sang from the hymn book #256, 'As Zion's Youth in Latter Days'; I have long forgotten how much I love this hymn since it wasn't in the Japanese hymn books I've been used to using for two years on my mission...

As I sang, the words just hit me bringing tears to my eyes:

As Zions' youth in latter days,
We stand with valiant heart,
With promise shining in our eyes, 
Resolved to do our part.
Upon a noble past we build; 
The future fills our view.
We face the challenge of our day
And pledge we will be true.

The truths and values we embrace
Are mocked on ev'ry hand.
Yet as we listen and obey
We know we can withstand
The evils that would weaken us,
The sin that would destroy.
With faith, we hold the iron rod
And find in this our joy.

Thru test and trial we'll have our fears,
But we will not despair.
We're here to serve a righteous cause;
Truth gives us strength to dare.
We'll love, and learn, and overcome;
We'll sing a joyful song,
As Zion's youth in latter days,
Triumphant, pure, and strong.

I realized I can get through this. Though not all of it, some of my confidence was restored on my current circumstances. Fact is, what I pursue will be for the right reasons and the journey will not be easy in some places. But I know that Heavenly Father allows these hardships for a reason and we need to learn from them. I also know Heavenly Father is mindful of me and my hardships and the same goes to you. His love is infinite. His patience is infinite. He sent us to this era in time so we can fulfill certain roles reserved only for us. 

1 comment:

  1. I had a similar experience! That hymn really is amazing!!
